18 Mar

Summary CBD products are natural herbal extracts that include Cannabidiol, a component of marijuana. Although Cannabidiol has not been found to have any negative side effects, there is still much research that needs to be done. Basically, Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid found in 1940. It is only one of many identified cannabidiols in cannabis, accounting for up to 40 % of the plant's leaf extract. The other components of the cannabis plant contain similar components which are believed to act synergistically to create the desired effect. However, further studies need to be conducted to determine whether or not CBD is as effective as its claim to be. Keep reading this  article to know more about CBD products.

What Are CBD Products? At this time, there is not a single FDA approved product containing CBD. This is true of pharmaceuticals which often produce pharmaceutical drugs whose medical claims are unproven by clinical trials. In recent years, many companies outside of the pharmaceutical industry have begun to market CBD products for the treatment of health disorders and the development of new medical research. As of late, many cannabis users have turned to CBD products to alleviate symptoms associated with some forms of cancer and epilepsy. CBD products are currently being investigated for their efficacy as an anti-anxiety and anti-spastic remedy.

How Does CBD Products Work? Before answering that question, it is important to understand how CBD works. The body operates under normal conditions, when the body isn't stressed or diseased. When the body experiences stress, it produces a release of anandamides or neuropeptides which act as chemical messengers. When the body experiences a disease state or infection, it releases different chemicals such as immunoglobulin, neuropeptide Y, neurotoxin and herpes simplex virus to combat the disease or infection. Go here: cbdwarehouseusa.com if you wish to obtain more details about CBD products.

In both of these instances, when the body is experiencing a "type A" disease, such as arthritis, the CBD can help reduce inflammation. In animal studies, CBD has been found to reduce blood pressure in animals without reducing food consumption or water consumption (which was found to be ineffective). It was also found that CBD reduced the amount of time it takes for an animal to fall asleep after a stimulus (like the administration of a mild toxin). There are many human clinical trials ongoing that are investigating CBD's effects on hypertension, high blood pressure, epilepsy and other diseases. To date, the results in these animal studies are inconclusive as all of the human clinical trials are still ongoing.

Can CBD Help Reduce My Heart Disease Symptoms? There have been numerous studies in humans with various types of heart disease, which conclude that there is some evidence that CBD can reduce the symptoms of heart disease and/or hypertension. The one study found that there was a reduction in systolic blood pressure in people who had higher CBD levels (at the top end of the scale) than those with lower levels (at the bottom end.) But, that one study found only one case of systolic hypertension and only one case of diastolic hypertension (when the heart pumps harder to push blood through the body). Other human clinical trials have failed to find any significant effects of CBD on either blood pressure or heart rate.

Is CBD Bad For You? Another common question about CBD comes from those who wonder if the CBD is the same thing as recreational drugs like marijuana. There are no studies linking CBD to drug addiction or dependence in most countries. The one human study that I was able to find, in which adults with heart disease were given CBD before they started having heart attacks (these people already had pre-existing blood pressure problems), had some serious side effects, including hypothermia (low temperature) and seizures. However, the author of this study did state that these were "unpublished" data and suggested that more research be done in this area.  Please view this site: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/cbd for further details on the topic.

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